Amory Abbott - Mysterium Tremendum
The Mysterium Tremendum series reflects on the experience of the numinous, which was coined by theologian and philosopher Rudolf Otto as being a “non-rational, internal experience of the transcendent or divine.” Similar to the sublime experience, the numinous is seen as a kind of combination of terror, fascination, and pleasure, and has levels to it. The initial level of the numinous experience is called Mysterium Tremendum, which Fr. Robert Spitzer claims “not only indicates spiritual presence, overwhelming power, and incomprehensible mystery, but also something personal and passionate in its energy.” These are the feelings I try to connect with in this series–that in sudden events of extreme weather, we are left awe-struck, terrified, trembling, and wondering if it all means something–whether it be the presence of a divine spirit, evidence of a rapidly changing climate, or something more.