Christina Mrozik
“I’m in pursuit of liminal spaces, listening, patience and quiet. I believe the body has profound knowledge to share, that love is powerful, that hearts are hungry and need to be fed. I feel the complication writhing within myself and know it must also be writhing within others. I think it’s possible if two people each have a little grace, it’s possible to find common ground with the most unlikely of souls. I think art speaks in ways that words cannot and there is power in both metaphor and image; that there are vague but intense places of emotion and intention that need more room and less definition so that we can exist as the overflowing, messy beings that we are. That we all carry frustrating truths and fears and it’s better to untangle and look at them head on rather than deny them for the sake of false stability. There are infinite ways to do this, but art is how I parse the world and these are the things I hope my work could even begin to hold in it’s subtle, quiet metaphors.”
-Interview with Flesh & Bone Magazine
Christina Mrozik - "The Prayer My Heart Can't Hold "
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