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Caitlin McCormack - Fight or Flight
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Devour (Budgett’s Frog)
Crocheted cotton string, glue, steel pins, velvet
13" x 13" x 1.25"

Eviscerate (Crane Hawk)
Crocheted cotton string, glue, steel pins, velvet
13" x 13" x 1.25"

Maul (Stoat)
Crocheted cotton string, glue, steel pins, velvet
13" x 13" x 1.25"

Is that an island?
Crocheted cotton string, glue, steel pins, velvet
21.25" x 21.25" x 2.75"

Snipe (Aplomado Falcon)
Crocheted cotton string, glue, steel pins, velvet
13" x 13" x 1.25"

Choke (Indian Krait)
Crocheted cotton string, glue, steel pins, velvet
13" x 13" x 1.25"

Stalk (Rusty Spotted Cat)
Crocheted cotton string, glue, steel pins, velvet
13" x 13" x 1.25"